Monday, September 22, 2008

The Leftist Laura Linney Needs A History Lesson

The Emmy Award winning actress who thinks that the Founding Fathers were "community organizers" is steeped in revolutionary rhetoric, not historical fact.

If they organized anything it was a constitutional democracy and not a socialist republic which seems to be the goal of Barak Obama.

That's what socialists do to the "truth." They hide their agenda because the majority of Americans would not accept their "change" if they were honest about what they want to accomplish.

Samuel Adams, John Adams, Jefferson, Hancock, Franklin were actors in a conservative revolution against the progressive policies of King George.

The American Revolution was about people who wanted the Colonies to remain free and unfettered from progressives who would tax them into oblivion.

Samuel Adams organized cell groups to keep things as they were, not push toward a worker's/poor man's rebellion, hell-bent on liberation theology that would divide this country, while our brethren are still in foreign battlefields.

But maybe that's what the actress meant when she said the American Founders were like Obama. Barak Obama's community organizing really means code for revolutionary cell!

Look to Obama's ACORN group to stuff the ballot boxes with provisional ballots in key electoral states, in order to bog down the election with legal challenges, while such ballots in key states are counted and verified.

They will then turn Election Day into an election month.

The Left wants to place the presidential elections into the hands of the elitists in the courts and away from the people. You know. Those people holding onto religion and their guns!

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