Why are people screaming? Because they feel powerless against policies being rammed down their throats!
You want more reasoned discussion? Try reading the bill you're forcing onto us!
Oh, wait. Here's an idea: To further the rational debate, start with knowing what it is you're emotionally ramming through Congress!
Leftists are so concerned about Big Businesses! What about Huge Federal Government - that's the biggest single corporation I know of! The most sluggish and the least responsive.
The DMV in charge of Health Care!
At least Big Business is a common noun of the common man! And it's plural - many groups of The People. Ain't nothin' more democratic than that!
Unless you mean a People's Red Revolution. Then you're talkin' Liberte at the butt of an AK-47 and guillotine, not Liberty under a Tree, freely and openly discussing and debating it's terms!
Now that's democracy at work. Many people coming together for the common good - incorporating, to make and sell shoes, clothes, cars, cell phones, TVs, computers.
Robbing from the rich and giving to the poor? Frederich Bastiat during the French Revolution called it legal plunder! Legal theft!
Barak Hussein Obama called it in his last debate: "Share the wealth." There should have been a counter-revolution of liberty loving cavaliers with swords raised rushing to rescue government of, for and by the People, from robbing the People.
You want Power to the People?
Don't lower the standards of home ownership, Fanny and Freddie!
Teach them correct principles of financial management -the frugality of Ben Franklin, the First Populist Founder! A Common Man who taught: $1.00 earned, .99 spent = happiness; $1.00 earned, $1.01 spent = misery!
Quit clamoring in the streets, fists raised and pitchforks threatening, for other people's money!
Let us voluntarily divest ourselves of our own wealth for the good of our neighbor.
Don't you ram "goodness" down our throats, you hypocrites! Joe Biden making $300,000+ gave $350 in charitable giving. My buddy making $57,000 gave $8000+ - of his own free will and choice!
With a $12 trillion debt hanging over our heads, misery is our selfish, self-indulgent legacy for the next generation!
Shame on all of you narcissistic Woodstock Generation!
You wonder why we're mad?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
ObamaCare is Like Federal School Lunch
Just a few ideas on ObamaCare:
- Not many kids now like Federal school meals. There's lots of waste; much of the lunch is thrown away. Would be better to give each student an LDC Lunch Debit Card and let them use their cell-phones to punch in what they will eat, and have McDonalds or Burger King deliver to the school from a list of approved and balanced meals.
- They could have an online Weight Watchers-like account that would allow them to keep track of the Points they use, thus teaching them good nutritional practices.
- Health care Federal-style would be similar to the Federal Lunch program. But at least every child gets a meal, the Left would say. However, the Market (which is to say the People) would make billions of individual decisions better than a bureaucrat sitting at a desk who knows only statistical spreads of data, and not individuals.
- This Leftist generation rails on "evil corporations" - large impersonal organizations of suits - which leave oils spills, deny the poor their rights of health care, and so on. Yet, there is no larger and more frightening levianthan of corporation of thought than the Federal Government!
- A woman asked Ben Franklin: What have you given us? He replied: A Republic, Madam, if you can keep it.
- I don't know that this nation of children clamoring for a King can stand up to the rigors of a Republic - the intellectual, physical, budgetary, financial and emotional requirements of self-governance.
- That woman who told the media, after Obama was elected: I don't have to worry about paying my mortgage, or my bills or nuthin' now! The fact of such people who clamor for a king, is erroding the structure of freedom to decide the trillions of daily decisions that are impossible for a central committee to make.
- And yet we must take care of our poor!
- One way would be to let me give the $1,000 dollars left over in my Flexible Spending Account at the end of the year to some entity which would distribute that remainder to a poor family in my area. Let me be free to make such a decision!
Just a few considerations from a free citizen, not so sure Obama is making the best decisions about our health care.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Pelosi: Rethink Who the Bad Guys in Health Care Are!
Investment Business Daily (IBD) Editorials reports:
The Speaker of the House says insurers are "villains" for opposing Democrats plans for overhauling the health care system. She needs to rethink who the bad guys really are.
The Speaker of the House says insurers are "villains" for opposing Democrats plans for overhauling the health care system. She needs to rethink who the bad guys really are.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Obamacare Discussed by two Cato Institute Experts
Two economists at the Cato Institute discuss President Obama's health care plan in a point-by-point analysis that presents the other side of the coin.
Go to the Cato Institute web site:
Click on June 25, 2009 - "Michael D. Tanner and Michael F. Cannon dissect Obama's health care plans" for a 5 1/2 minute discussion of Obam's plan.
Well worth the short time it takes to shed light on a muddled issue.
Go to the Cato Institute web site:
Click on June 25, 2009 - "Michael D. Tanner and Michael F. Cannon dissect Obama's health care plans" for a 5 1/2 minute discussion of Obam's plan.
Well worth the short time it takes to shed light on a muddled issue.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Leftists Believe in Despots Not in Constitutional Institutions
The Honduran Supreme Court blocked a dictator in his drive to stay in power who called for a new constitution more suited to his despotic aims! Their constitution expressly forbids it. It is treason to change the constitution for the purpose of gaining elective office.
The Cato Institute lays out the reasons to leave the Honduran people alone. Leftists in this country will likewise want to change the U.S. Constitution when it doesn't meet their aims, goals and needs.
Go to June 30 podcast at http://www.cato.org/dailypodcast/podcast-archive.php for a detailed discussion why the Leftist factions in the United States are not justified in interfering in Honduras.
The Cato Institute lays out the reasons to leave the Honduran people alone. Leftists in this country will likewise want to change the U.S. Constitution when it doesn't meet their aims, goals and needs.
Go to June 30 podcast at http://www.cato.org/dailypodcast/podcast-archive.php for a detailed discussion why the Leftist factions in the United States are not justified in interfering in Honduras.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
The Welfare State We'll Be in Soon - A Cautionary Tale

The English author, James Bartholomew, in his book The Welfare State We're In, discusses the serious societal changes of attitude and character that have "gone badly" in England, since the 1950's.
To illustrate this change gone badly, Bartholomew relates that before creating their welfare state of free education, free housing, pension and free medicine you could go to a soccer game and watch very orderly rows of fans applauding their team.
Today with a massive change in gang violence, of English fans out of control, architects have had to design stadiums to keep fans separate because now they are expected to fight each other after a game.
In 1950 only 3.4% of the population were on public assistance. Since then, England has experienced a 134% increase of wealth.
With such an increase, the 1950's government might have expected only 1% would be on welfare. Not true! Today 29% are getting pulic assistance. One third of the population!
Watch the panel discussion on his book at: (Advance the tape to start at 5:00 minutes)
To illustrate this change gone badly, Bartholomew relates that before creating their welfare state of free education, free housing, pension and free medicine you could go to a soccer game and watch very orderly rows of fans applauding their team.
Today with a massive change in gang violence, of English fans out of control, architects have had to design stadiums to keep fans separate because now they are expected to fight each other after a game.
In 1950 only 3.4% of the population were on public assistance. Since then, England has experienced a 134% increase of wealth.
With such an increase, the 1950's government might have expected only 1% would be on welfare. Not true! Today 29% are getting pulic assistance. One third of the population!
Watch the panel discussion on his book at: (Advance the tape to start at 5:00 minutes)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Judge Sotomayor Blurs Separation of Powers

The Founders of the Constitution separated powers into three branches to prevent the power hungry from getting too much power.
Judges who follow the European judicial model believe that power best resides in enlightened individuals.
That was the foundation of the French Revolution.
The American Founders did not believe individuals were the best repository of power. They thought institutions were better able to guard against evil justices who grab for power.
When Baarak Obama says he wants a special person with empathy, he really wants a usurping justice to safeguard the rights of the poor; he really means he wants an activist judge who believes she is an anointed vessel of judicial light and compassion that is otherwise unavailable.
Such judges are dangerous to a free people, for these jurists will elevate special classes of people to special protection status, thus unequally applying the law.
Such judges, who seek special justice for special classes of people, will apply the law in specially skewed ways; they will do all in their power to subjugate people whom they think are threats to the social order the judges are trying to protect and promote.
They will create a new special class of people they believe have for too long been mistreated and deprived.
Judges who follow the European judicial model believe that power best resides in enlightened individuals.
That was the foundation of the French Revolution.
The American Founders did not believe individuals were the best repository of power. They thought institutions were better able to guard against evil justices who grab for power.
When Baarak Obama says he wants a special person with empathy, he really wants a usurping justice to safeguard the rights of the poor; he really means he wants an activist judge who believes she is an anointed vessel of judicial light and compassion that is otherwise unavailable.
Such judges are dangerous to a free people, for these jurists will elevate special classes of people to special protection status, thus unequally applying the law.
Such judges, who seek special justice for special classes of people, will apply the law in specially skewed ways; they will do all in their power to subjugate people whom they think are threats to the social order the judges are trying to protect and promote.
They will create a new special class of people they believe have for too long been mistreated and deprived.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Hate Crimes Law is Really Thought Control Law
A scholar at the Cato Institute warns of the danger of hate crimes as thought crimes. These laws violate the First Amendment.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Health Care Officials Will Decide Who Gets "Free" Health Care

Mark Steyn wrote, April 2009, in Imprimis:
Once you have government health care, it can be used to justify almost any restraint on freedom: After all, if the state has to cure you, it surely has an interest in preventing you needing treatment in the first place.
That's the argument behind, for example, mandatory motorcycle helmets, or the creepy teams of government nutritionists going door to door in Britain and conducting a "health audit" of the contents of your refrigerator...all this for the "free" health care - and in the end you may not get the "free" health care anyway.
Under Britain's National Health Service, for example, smokers in Manchester have been denied treatment for heart disease, and the obese in Suffolk are refused hip and knee replacements.
Patricia Hewitt, the British Health Secretary, says it's appropriate to decline treatment on the basis of "lifestyle choices."
-Reprinted by permission from Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale college. Read the entire article at:
Once you have government health care, it can be used to justify almost any restraint on freedom: After all, if the state has to cure you, it surely has an interest in preventing you needing treatment in the first place.
That's the argument behind, for example, mandatory motorcycle helmets, or the creepy teams of government nutritionists going door to door in Britain and conducting a "health audit" of the contents of your refrigerator...all this for the "free" health care - and in the end you may not get the "free" health care anyway.
Under Britain's National Health Service, for example, smokers in Manchester have been denied treatment for heart disease, and the obese in Suffolk are refused hip and knee replacements.
Patricia Hewitt, the British Health Secretary, says it's appropriate to decline treatment on the basis of "lifestyle choices."
-Reprinted by permission from Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale college. Read the entire article at:
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Star Trek vs. Star Wars - Federalism vs. Anti-Federalism
In Star Trek, the federal government is a force for good; in Star Wars, it is an evil leviathan.
The Trek experience is based on the assumption that humans will go beyond the apocalyptic impulse and emerge in future millennia as a federal force for good. As the recent Newsweek article put it: a Peace Corps on interstellar missions of goodwill.
In Star Wars the federal centralized government is seized by power hungry individuals who see themselves as the annointed to bring order to the universe.
Remember, Darth Vader's hand reaching out to Luke Skywalker, revealing that he's not just his father, but that by joining him they can create a Utopian society?
Stars Wars is the Star Trek Federation run amok - emerging as an evil empire, made more sinister and prolonged because of "a perverted science," as Churchill put it as he opened Britain's resistance to Hitler's regime.
That we believe Star Trek is "the vision of the annointed" - to borrow a phrase from Stanford scholar, Thomas Sowell - and not the dangerous Star Wars Empire, shows how naieve the 60's Generation actually is.
Star Wars is the Anti-Federalist impulse that gave us the Bill of Rights. It is that distrust of all federalist, central committee drives to consolidate power.
Distrust anyone dripping in Federation vision, and live quietly on Alderon with your families, because soon a federation will come and make everyone drink the wine of its fornication.
Then, the Death Star they build will be more powerful than the simple, mindless collective of the Borg.
The Trek experience is based on the assumption that humans will go beyond the apocalyptic impulse and emerge in future millennia as a federal force for good. As the recent Newsweek article put it: a Peace Corps on interstellar missions of goodwill.
In Star Wars the federal centralized government is seized by power hungry individuals who see themselves as the annointed to bring order to the universe.
Remember, Darth Vader's hand reaching out to Luke Skywalker, revealing that he's not just his father, but that by joining him they can create a Utopian society?
Stars Wars is the Star Trek Federation run amok - emerging as an evil empire, made more sinister and prolonged because of "a perverted science," as Churchill put it as he opened Britain's resistance to Hitler's regime.
That we believe Star Trek is "the vision of the annointed" - to borrow a phrase from Stanford scholar, Thomas Sowell - and not the dangerous Star Wars Empire, shows how naieve the 60's Generation actually is.
Star Wars is the Anti-Federalist impulse that gave us the Bill of Rights. It is that distrust of all federalist, central committee drives to consolidate power.
Distrust anyone dripping in Federation vision, and live quietly on Alderon with your families, because soon a federation will come and make everyone drink the wine of its fornication.
Then, the Death Star they build will be more powerful than the simple, mindless collective of the Borg.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
With $10 Million, The Leonardo Center Should Be Inclusive of All Utahns
The Leonardo Center in Salt Lake should not receive $10 million until they demonstrate that the science and documentary arts they spread will be inclusive of all peoples in the Salt Lake area.
For example, the trajectory of the Center's oral history section disparages the Mormon Church with pejorative stories that deprecate Mormons, and create a stereotypical monolithic story line that seeks to reveal institutional racism.
And yet, the varied nuance of human history is nowhere found in the gathered stories.
And these stories are to provide the text for all sorts of mockumentaries and docudramas
about Mormons and the Mormon Church!
Missing from Les Kelen's Missing Stories are stories of Utes, African-Americans, Jews, Chinese, Italians, Japanese, Greeks and Chicano-Hispanics who have benefitted from their association with Mormons. But according to Kelen, you would have to talk to people who have converted to Mormonism to find such stories.
And whose kind of science is to be advanced at the Leonardo?
Taxpayers recently spent some $70 million on one of the finest public libraries in the nation. Why did we need a science center, unless it was to push a certain kind of science?
The use of Gunter Hagen's plastinated real human bodies on public display illustrates the kind of science that the Leonardo says we are "hungry for" here in the backwoods of illiterate Utah!
Look for, at the Leonardo, a Logical Positivism that enshrines science as an immutable, infallible guide to human progress, while leaving issues of the human heart on the dissection table. Tellingly, it wasn't until people in the United States squawked loudly about the display of executed Chinese political prisoners did Hagen finally incinerate their bodies.
In addition, the countries which gave a warm welcome to the public display of cadavers in BodyWorld - Germany, Russia and China - are the same countries with a record of mass murders in the millions by Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. That Hagen so casually displayed such bodies back East does tell something in the end.
The Leonardo Center is left-of-center in its political persuasion. It is not inclusive but highly divisive.
A staff member said: One day, we expect that visits to our center will exceed that of Temple Square. So then, it's not about science; it's about another screw-you to the Mormon Church.
You'd think that with $10 million we could purchase some common ground somewhere!
Now where have I heard that before?
For example, the trajectory of the Center's oral history section disparages the Mormon Church with pejorative stories that deprecate Mormons, and create a stereotypical monolithic story line that seeks to reveal institutional racism.
And yet, the varied nuance of human history is nowhere found in the gathered stories.
And these stories are to provide the text for all sorts of mockumentaries and docudramas
about Mormons and the Mormon Church!
Missing from Les Kelen's Missing Stories are stories of Utes, African-Americans, Jews, Chinese, Italians, Japanese, Greeks and Chicano-Hispanics who have benefitted from their association with Mormons. But according to Kelen, you would have to talk to people who have converted to Mormonism to find such stories.
And whose kind of science is to be advanced at the Leonardo?
Taxpayers recently spent some $70 million on one of the finest public libraries in the nation. Why did we need a science center, unless it was to push a certain kind of science?
The use of Gunter Hagen's plastinated real human bodies on public display illustrates the kind of science that the Leonardo says we are "hungry for" here in the backwoods of illiterate Utah!
Look for, at the Leonardo, a Logical Positivism that enshrines science as an immutable, infallible guide to human progress, while leaving issues of the human heart on the dissection table. Tellingly, it wasn't until people in the United States squawked loudly about the display of executed Chinese political prisoners did Hagen finally incinerate their bodies.
In addition, the countries which gave a warm welcome to the public display of cadavers in BodyWorld - Germany, Russia and China - are the same countries with a record of mass murders in the millions by Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. That Hagen so casually displayed such bodies back East does tell something in the end.
The Leonardo Center is left-of-center in its political persuasion. It is not inclusive but highly divisive.
A staff member said: One day, we expect that visits to our center will exceed that of Temple Square. So then, it's not about science; it's about another screw-you to the Mormon Church.
You'd think that with $10 million we could purchase some common ground somewhere!
Now where have I heard that before?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Daniel Hannan Speech to British PM Gordon Brown
Daniel Hannan, a bright young conservative, member of the European Parliament in Brussels, recently took it to the British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.
The Far Left-Wing President Barak Obama deserves such too.
Also, go to his blog:
The Far Left-Wing President Barak Obama deserves such too.
Also, go to his blog:
Friday, April 10, 2009
Bill Moyers Journal on Lincoln Extolls Obama's Hope, Ignoring: We Are All Lincoln Now
The actor Sam Watterson, who played Lincoln on stage, read from the words of young Lincoln to the stanzas of modern poets - Schwarz, Ginsburg: Let the Rail Splitter awake! Against the new slave makers!
Then the conclusion: "Perhaps no one has let the rail splitter awake more than Barak Obama," a scholar concludes, with Moyers concurring.
Spirit of Lincoln thy country needs thee now!
But these men cannot see: We are all Lincoln! The worker, the baker, the father, the family - we are all Lincoln, now.
Cloistered in the hovel of a million homes, working at our daily routine - we are all Lincoln, now.
Though we heard from fireside chats that we needed fear only fear itself, the GI Joe in muddy boots slogged through France toward the Ardienne and carried the Republic in his pocket. They were all Lincoln then, as we are all Lincoln now!
This land will be saved, not by infusions of ill-conceived stimulus, stymied by socialist forced sharing of wealth, but by those who believe in the God of this Land, who serve Jesus Christ - I say this in the spirit of and in nearly the same words as Washington the man.
We who will cloth the naked, feed the hungry, minister to the needs of the poor and the afflicted! All without socialist mandate; mandado by love of neighbor!
As we serve our neighbor, we serve That Other.
I say, Mr. President: We are all Lincoln now!
Then the conclusion: "Perhaps no one has let the rail splitter awake more than Barak Obama," a scholar concludes, with Moyers concurring.
Spirit of Lincoln thy country needs thee now!
But these men cannot see: We are all Lincoln! The worker, the baker, the father, the family - we are all Lincoln, now.
Cloistered in the hovel of a million homes, working at our daily routine - we are all Lincoln, now.
Though we heard from fireside chats that we needed fear only fear itself, the GI Joe in muddy boots slogged through France toward the Ardienne and carried the Republic in his pocket. They were all Lincoln then, as we are all Lincoln now!
This land will be saved, not by infusions of ill-conceived stimulus, stymied by socialist forced sharing of wealth, but by those who believe in the God of this Land, who serve Jesus Christ - I say this in the spirit of and in nearly the same words as Washington the man.
We who will cloth the naked, feed the hungry, minister to the needs of the poor and the afflicted! All without socialist mandate; mandado by love of neighbor!
As we serve our neighbor, we serve That Other.
I say, Mr. President: We are all Lincoln now!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Once the Pitchforks are Raised, Hard to Put them Down
Ruth Marcus, financial writer, argues:
"The worst malefactors at AIG are gone. The new top management isn't taking bonuses.
"Driving away the very people who understand how to fix this complicated mess may make everyone...feel better, but it isn't particularly cost-effective.
"Remember, the contracts were negotiated long before the government put a cent into AIG. 'The plan was implemented because there was significant risk of departures among employees' at the company, AIG wrote in a paper explaining the plan....'retention incentives appeared to be in the best interest of all AIG stakeholders.'
"And federal legislation explicitly states that compensation limits for companies receiving bailout funds do not apply to pre-existing contracts.
"That was then, this is now is not a valid legal principle. 'We are a country of law,' economic adviser Lawrence Summers said [a week ago]. 'There are contracts. The government cannot just abrogate contracts.'
You want to abrogate contracts? Bankruptcy is the legal mechanism designed precisely for the abrogation of contracts.
-IBD Editorials
"The worst malefactors at AIG are gone. The new top management isn't taking bonuses.
"Driving away the very people who understand how to fix this complicated mess may make everyone...feel better, but it isn't particularly cost-effective.
"Remember, the contracts were negotiated long before the government put a cent into AIG. 'The plan was implemented because there was significant risk of departures among employees' at the company, AIG wrote in a paper explaining the plan....'retention incentives appeared to be in the best interest of all AIG stakeholders.'
"And federal legislation explicitly states that compensation limits for companies receiving bailout funds do not apply to pre-existing contracts.
"That was then, this is now is not a valid legal principle. 'We are a country of law,' economic adviser Lawrence Summers said [a week ago]. 'There are contracts. The government cannot just abrogate contracts.'
You want to abrogate contracts? Bankruptcy is the legal mechanism designed precisely for the abrogation of contracts.
-IBD Editorials
Universal Gov't Health Care, Shoddy Medicine for All
Investor's Business Daily, winner of the 2008 Pulitzer Prize, reports:
"Establishing universal government health care might cost as much as $1.5 trillion, according to one new estimate. And what'll we get? As usual, the sorry British system provides another glimpse.
"[In] a National Health services hospital in Stafford...thirsty patients drink from flower wases, according to London's daily Mail, and others are 'left in soiled linen on filthy wards.' ...There is documented evidence of poor care and filthy conditions at other NHS facilities.
"When the government runs [universal health care]...the care will be rotten, rationed and so free that it will impoverish the country."
Lawrence Kudlow, commentator, said it best regarding the AIG bungled government take-over: "It...shows, once again, why the government shouldn't run anything, because it cannot run anything.
"Establishing universal government health care might cost as much as $1.5 trillion, according to one new estimate. And what'll we get? As usual, the sorry British system provides another glimpse.
"[In] a National Health services hospital in Stafford...thirsty patients drink from flower wases, according to London's daily Mail, and others are 'left in soiled linen on filthy wards.' ...There is documented evidence of poor care and filthy conditions at other NHS facilities.
"When the government runs [universal health care]...the care will be rotten, rationed and so free that it will impoverish the country."
Lawrence Kudlow, commentator, said it best regarding the AIG bungled government take-over: "It...shows, once again, why the government shouldn't run anything, because it cannot run anything.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Hurray for David Mamet, Producer of CBS's The Unit!
David Mamet recently rejected his Leftist bias against corporations and the military. He said he'd been trained by his left-wing education and the entertainment industry to hate these two pariahs of "democracy."
But he recently has seen that corporations have given him and Western society iPods, Nikes, cell phones, cars, heat in homes, abundance of food, medicines and life-saving medical procedures - all the things that have made his life good.
And the U.S. Military, far from being the alleged baby-killers of John Kerry, these extraordinary young men and women are made up of America's best, serving the countries they've liberated, at the expense of their lives. So says David Mamet.
Thus convinced of the virtue of these soldiers, Mr. Mamet now produces a must-see TV series on a Delta Force Unit and their wives. Citizen soldiers with families, living among us! A Spartan 300 who love their wives and children intensely.
Protecting us and our children!
But he recently has seen that corporations have given him and Western society iPods, Nikes, cell phones, cars, heat in homes, abundance of food, medicines and life-saving medical procedures - all the things that have made his life good.
And the U.S. Military, far from being the alleged baby-killers of John Kerry, these extraordinary young men and women are made up of America's best, serving the countries they've liberated, at the expense of their lives. So says David Mamet.
Thus convinced of the virtue of these soldiers, Mr. Mamet now produces a must-see TV series on a Delta Force Unit and their wives. Citizen soldiers with families, living among us! A Spartan 300 who love their wives and children intensely.
Protecting us and our children!
Three Cheers for CBS's The Unit!
Sunday's (March 15) episode of The Unit drives home the readiness of the U.S. Military to meet internal threats, and the need of citizens to be ready for internal attacks on the homeland.
The episode features a Delta Force Unit mixed in with the population and positioned to respond to a sudden chlorine gas attack on a section of town, using the water system.
As members of the Unit and their wives at their jobs, and in their apartment buildings move to tape up the doors and windows, taking life saving steps to preserve the populace, they encounter resistant uninformed citizens: "How come you know all this? Are you some kind of survivalist nut-case?" This character respresents the naive realist, who knows-it-all and places others in danger with his ignorance.
Indeed, one man who is going to make up his mind on his own, leaves the safety of the airtight apartment, and winds up dead, listening to such rubbish.
A mother safe with her children in a refrigeration truck pleads with a member of the Unit, who just saved her life: "Why are they doing this? What did we do to them? My children never did anything to them!"
We need the scales to fall from our eyes. See the dangers around us. Live aware!
The episode features a Delta Force Unit mixed in with the population and positioned to respond to a sudden chlorine gas attack on a section of town, using the water system.
As members of the Unit and their wives at their jobs, and in their apartment buildings move to tape up the doors and windows, taking life saving steps to preserve the populace, they encounter resistant uninformed citizens: "How come you know all this? Are you some kind of survivalist nut-case?" This character respresents the naive realist, who knows-it-all and places others in danger with his ignorance.
Indeed, one man who is going to make up his mind on his own, leaves the safety of the airtight apartment, and winds up dead, listening to such rubbish.
A mother safe with her children in a refrigeration truck pleads with a member of the Unit, who just saved her life: "Why are they doing this? What did we do to them? My children never did anything to them!"
We need the scales to fall from our eyes. See the dangers around us. Live aware!
TV's Cold Case Promotes Leftist Agenda - Turn It Off
by Cinnamon Stillwell
One of the preachiest of the preachy cop shows has to be "Cold Case" on CBS. The show is consumed with such liberal preoccupations as anti-abortion activism, disturbed Vietnam veterans, transgender hero(ines), interracial lesbian love affairs, draft dodgers, McCarthyism and demonizing Christians.
An episode one season betrayed the latter fixation perfectly by making Mormons the targets of ridicule. The episode revolved around Roy, a Mormon serial killer who murders his victims because "God tells him to." At the same time, Roy attends a screening of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" where he strips down to his underwear on stage -- the implication being that Mormons are sexually repressed lunatics. But it's all in a day's work for the writers of "Cold Case."
Cinnamon Stillwell is a San Francisco writer. She can be reached at cinnamonstillwell@yahoo.com
One of the preachiest of the preachy cop shows has to be "Cold Case" on CBS. The show is consumed with such liberal preoccupations as anti-abortion activism, disturbed Vietnam veterans, transgender hero(ines), interracial lesbian love affairs, draft dodgers, McCarthyism and demonizing Christians.
An episode one season betrayed the latter fixation perfectly by making Mormons the targets of ridicule. The episode revolved around Roy, a Mormon serial killer who murders his victims because "God tells him to." At the same time, Roy attends a screening of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" where he strips down to his underwear on stage -- the implication being that Mormons are sexually repressed lunatics. But it's all in a day's work for the writers of "Cold Case."
Cinnamon Stillwell is a San Francisco writer. She can be reached at cinnamonstillwell@yahoo.com
Friday, March 6, 2009
Mr. Obama, We Know Lincoln, And You are No Lincoln
Two writers, Andrew Ferguson and Rob Long, evaluate Obama's speech in an interview on Uncommon Knowledge for The National Review. Drama versus substance.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Economist Thomas Sowell on Redistribution of Wealth
In his book The Vision of the Anointed Mr. Sowell argues (p. 211):
"To say that 'wealth is unfairly distributed in America,' as Ronald Dworkin does, is grossly misleading when most wealth in the United States is not distributed at all. People create it, earn it, save it, and spend it."
The President, misguided and misleading, deliberately hid this agenda from many voters in the middle.
Did you know you were voting for Socialism?
Continues Sowell: "If one believes that income and wealth should not originate as they do now, but should be distributed as largess from some central point, then that argument should be made openly, plainly and honestly."
It was not.
"But to talk as if we currently have a certain distribution result A which should be changed to distribution result B is to misstate the issue and disguise a radical institutional change as a simple adjustment of preferences."
Obama, a socialist, disguised his radical institutional changes during the election and is now pursuing his radical agenda.
"To say that 'wealth is unfairly distributed in America,' as Ronald Dworkin does, is grossly misleading when most wealth in the United States is not distributed at all. People create it, earn it, save it, and spend it."
The President, misguided and misleading, deliberately hid this agenda from many voters in the middle.
Did you know you were voting for Socialism?
Continues Sowell: "If one believes that income and wealth should not originate as they do now, but should be distributed as largess from some central point, then that argument should be made openly, plainly and honestly."
It was not.
"But to talk as if we currently have a certain distribution result A which should be changed to distribution result B is to misstate the issue and disguise a radical institutional change as a simple adjustment of preferences."
Obama, a socialist, disguised his radical institutional changes during the election and is now pursuing his radical agenda.
Don't Forcibly Redistribute My Wealth, I'll do it of my own Free Will and Choice
Vice-President Joseph Biden's 2006 tax returns showed that he made very close to $150,000 and gave only $315 in charitable contributions.
In 2007, he made roughly $350,000 and gave only close to $375 in charitable giving - this according to Laura Ingraham, conservative radio commentator.
Now, this blogger, an educator, who makes 1/7 of Joe Biden's 2007 income gave more than $8,000 in charitable contributions.
A voluntary redistribution of my own wealth!
Americans, contrary to the Michael Douglas character in the film Greed, gave $60 billion dollars of their own money in charitable giving during the so-called "Decade of Greed."
That's quite a bit of voluntary redistribution of personal wealth!
Biden's free with other people's money. So is Barak Obama. They want to force you to "share the wealth!"
Let me freely redistribute my own wealth!
Ah, but I might not redistibute it to the earmark destinations these elitist "anointed" ones believe in!
There's the rub.
In 2007, he made roughly $350,000 and gave only close to $375 in charitable giving - this according to Laura Ingraham, conservative radio commentator.
Now, this blogger, an educator, who makes 1/7 of Joe Biden's 2007 income gave more than $8,000 in charitable contributions.
A voluntary redistribution of my own wealth!
Americans, contrary to the Michael Douglas character in the film Greed, gave $60 billion dollars of their own money in charitable giving during the so-called "Decade of Greed."
That's quite a bit of voluntary redistribution of personal wealth!
Biden's free with other people's money. So is Barak Obama. They want to force you to "share the wealth!"
Let me freely redistribute my own wealth!
Ah, but I might not redistibute it to the earmark destinations these elitist "anointed" ones believe in!
There's the rub.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Excellent Podcasts on Economic Freedom
For a excellent podcast lecture on "Freedom vs. Socialism on Campus" go here:
Scroll down to the titled lecture.
Scroll down to the titled lecture.
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