The Founders of the Constitution separated powers into three branches to prevent the power hungry from getting too much power.
Judges who follow the European judicial model believe that power best resides in enlightened individuals.
That was the foundation of the French Revolution.
The American Founders did not believe individuals were the best repository of power. They thought institutions were better able to guard against evil justices who grab for power.
When Baarak Obama says he wants a special person with empathy, he really wants a usurping justice to safeguard the rights of the poor; he really means he wants an activist judge who believes she is an anointed vessel of judicial light and compassion that is otherwise unavailable.
Such judges are dangerous to a free people, for these jurists will elevate special classes of people to special protection status, thus unequally applying the law.
Such judges, who seek special justice for special classes of people, will apply the law in specially skewed ways; they will do all in their power to subjugate people whom they think are threats to the social order the judges are trying to protect and promote.
They will create a new special class of people they believe have for too long been mistreated and deprived.
Judges who follow the European judicial model believe that power best resides in enlightened individuals.
That was the foundation of the French Revolution.
The American Founders did not believe individuals were the best repository of power. They thought institutions were better able to guard against evil justices who grab for power.
When Baarak Obama says he wants a special person with empathy, he really wants a usurping justice to safeguard the rights of the poor; he really means he wants an activist judge who believes she is an anointed vessel of judicial light and compassion that is otherwise unavailable.
Such judges are dangerous to a free people, for these jurists will elevate special classes of people to special protection status, thus unequally applying the law.
Such judges, who seek special justice for special classes of people, will apply the law in specially skewed ways; they will do all in their power to subjugate people whom they think are threats to the social order the judges are trying to protect and promote.
They will create a new special class of people they believe have for too long been mistreated and deprived.
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